Indian Hills Apartments

1Gig Fiber™*


Guaranteed rate for 12 months.

New customers switching from another Internet provider will receive the first month FREE.

Special Offer for Indian Hills Residents

New customers: Welcome to Cactus Internet! We are a local Internet Service Provider with local phone and onsite support. After submitting this form, call 208-883-5500 between 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM Weekdays. On weekends, if no one answers, leave a voice message (after 4 rings). We are very good at returning calls.

Existing customers: This is a new offering you can take advantage of immediately. Fill out the form and submit it. We will bump up your speed and prorate your account at the new lowest price ever. Your Internet will not be disrupted during this process, but Monica will call and ask you to restart your router so it acquires the new speed quicker or you can wait 6-12 for your router to automatically update on its own. If you have any questions, please call or leave a message for her at 208-883-5500.

About Cactus Internet

We are a Tier 1 Internet Service Provider (not a reseller), the same as the big companies. We are also peered with more than 400 companies, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, Google, YouTube, Microsoft and many more. This is important because content from these companies flows directly to us – not over the Internet – making delivery of their content much faster to our customers. We are peered with content delivery networks including Akamai and Cloudflare to provide faster delivery of content from over 200,000 Internet companies.

Cactus is headquartered here in Moscow, Idaho, where we can provide local telephone support and onsite service technicians with over 25 years experience each. And being smaller, each customer is important to us personally – you aren’t anonymous customer #1,259,113 to us.

After-hours and on weekends, calls are returned by our company CEO, Monica (said we were small). We only receive 5-6 calls a week outside of normal office hours, so she may not pick up the phone immediately. (She is probably outside pulling weeds in her vegetable garden.) So leave a message, she checks for them several times a day and is great about returning calls.

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Address of your apartment

 * 1Gig Fiber™ is actually 1.25 Gigabits, but because of the physical limitations of home router WAN port and wireless, you will not see speeds above 960 Megabits per second, and that can vary greatly depending on where you are going on the Internet, the equipment used at the other end, and the latency in the Internet Protocol that takes you there.

To help speed things up, we have direct connections to companies like Google, Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime (and Amazon’s tens of thousands of websites on their cloud servers) plus more than 400 others. Peering increases speed because the traffic doesn’t flow over the Internet. Also, we peer with the content distribution networks, Cloudflare and Akamai, to provide fast access to over 200,000 additional content providers.

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